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শুক্রবার, মার্চ ১৪, ২০২৫

করোনার টিকায় আপত্তি, নিজের দুই সন্তানকে ‘অপহরণ’ মায়ের!

করোনার টিকায় আপত্তি, নিজের দুই সন্তানকে ‘অপহরণ’ মায়ের! - the Bengali Times

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There were strong objections to vaccinating children against Kovid. So a woman ‘abducted’ her own children to avoid vaccination. The woman’s ex-husband has made such allegations. The incident took place in Madrid, the capital of Spain. Khabar Anandabazar newspaper.

According to the news, a legal case is going on between the husband and wife. The woman’s husband alleged that his ex-wife had moved the two children away without informing him. She has not met her two sons since November 4. The court said the father had the right to decide whether his children would be vaccinated. The mother of the two boys was ‘abducted’ after the court’s verdict.

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His wife had earlier written a letter threatening to take the boys out of school. The boy was abducted by his ex-wife after the court ruled that the boys had the right to decide whether to vaccinate them or not. The man informed the matter and approached the police. After that, the two minors were rescued and handed over to their father’s custody.

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