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realme reveals its long-awaited roadmap for UI 4.0 update

Realme Reveals Its Long-awaited Roadmap for Ui 4.0 Update

Youth-favorite smartphone brand realme is all set to officially introduce realme UI 4.0, the most recent version of its unique user interface for mobile devices.

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The smartphone brand has officially sent a roadmap to the first 16 devices that will get the latest update based on the latest Android 13 operating system. The exact date of the launch has not been announced yet, but realme is working really fast to help the users upgrade to realme UI 4.0 as soon as possible​.

realme UI 4.0 Early Access update is already out for realme GT 2 Pro flagship smartphone. In September, the update is likely to be available for other models such as realme GT Neo 3 150W, GT Neo 3, GT Neo 3 Naruto Limited Edition and realme GT 2.

Realme Reveals Its Long-awaited Roadmap for Ui 4.0 Update

realme’s latest flagship realme GT 2 Master Discovery Edition will receive the update in October, along with the much earlier realme models like-Q5, Q5 Pro and last year’s realme GT Master Explorer Edition. Update will be available for the original realme GT in November, and for realme GT Neo, GT Neo 2, GT Neo 2 Dragon Ball Edition and GT Neo Flash Edition in December.

The timeline is currently applicable for smartphones in the Chinese region. Soon after the Early Access version is made available, realme will roll out a more stable version of the new operating system.

realme UI 4.0, which is based on the Android 13 operating system, will come with new advancements like- fingerprint styles, optimizations for live wallpapers with enhanced animation effects, an updated notification bar control center and much more to add new dimensions to the user experience.

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