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Dr. Shafi U. Bhuiyan elected to Board of Directorsof the Canadian Association for Global Health

Dr. Shafi U. Bhuiyan Elected to Board of Directorsof the Canadian Association for Global Health - the Bengali Times
Dr Shafi U Bhuiyan

Dr. Shafi Bhuiyan PhD, MPH, MBA, MBBS, FRSPH, internationally recognized leader in global public health education and research, was elected as a director to the inaugural Board of Director of Canadian Association for Global Health [CAGH] from 2022-2023.
“It’s a great honor to work with global health champions from around the world and support the CAGH’s mission, vision and values to achieve equitable and improved health and well-being through effective networking, collaboration and partnership,” said Bhuiyan, Assistant Professor of Clinical Public Health; Social & Behavioural Health Sciences and Institute for Pandemics at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health , University of Toronto.

The new Canadian Association for Global Health was established in June 2021 and is a product of the recent uniting of the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) and the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH). The Canadian Association for Global Health(CAGH) is a knowledge network of more than 25 universities and around 500 individuals supporting global health equity. It’s a member-based, not-for-profit professional organization which represents global health academics, students, researchers and practitioners at institutions across Canada and in the Global South. CAGH promotes global health as a model and driver of collaboration, partnership and equity and use of new knowledge for improving health and well-being globally.

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“I am excited to collaborate with passionate global health colleagues, young professionals and support partners to create a model, harmonized system, and unified global health platform to promote global health education &research and an equitable healthcare system,” said Bhuiyan, who is also an adjunct professor in Ryerson University’s Faculty of Community Services and co-founder and program lead of the ITMDs Post-Graduate Bridging Program.
Bhuiyan has worked with the CCGHR since 2014, first as university liaison with the CCGHR’s University Advisory Committee, and then as capacity-building co-chair,CCGHR board treasurer,Board Chair and interim Board of Director, CAGH.As Director of theBoard, Bhuiyan will support board governance, board policy, capacity and partnership building initiatives, and advocacy work, as well as professional development to young global public health scholar worldwide.
Bhuiyan has diverse teaching and research experiences in both developed and developing countries. He received the Council of Agencies Serving South Asians Award for civic engagement and leadership in Canada and was a finalist for RBC’s Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Award 2018 Award. Lions District A711Past Region Chair Bhuiyan is a recipient of Melvin Jones Fellowship, Helen Keller Fellowship and Lions Clubs International President’s Distinguished Leadership Award 2020 for humanitarian services. He founded the Internationally Trained Medical Doctors Canadian Network and the Toronto Global Doctors Lions Club. He is also Board Chair of the Board of Directors of the Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre in Scarborough South West, ON, Canada.

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